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How to Reduce Weight Naturally at Home Remedy

How to Reduce Weight Naturally at Home Remedy



In this modern era, a human life has become easy as most of physical chores are replaced by advanced machinery. It results in reduction of physical activities in daily life and hence maintaining weight becomes difficult. Being over-weight brings lots of diseases with itself that leads to heart related problems, sugar, and imbalance of hormones, problems in bones and joints and sometimes severity leads to brain problems also. People hits gym, went on different diet plans but they don’t work until you include them in your daily routine and one have to sacrifice their eating habits as well.

Home Remedies

There comes an issue where everyone cannot afford to go to gym or adapt a specific diet plans but still wants to reduce their weights. They can simply use home remedies to reduce weight and maintain their ideal weight. Always keep that in mind that while reducing weight having a balance diet plays key role in it. Following 9 remedies helps out in burning fats down and improves your metabolism which ultimately results in weight reduction.

  • Luke warm water with Lemon and honey water

It is one of the best known remedy for weight loss. Having this drink before breakfast just not only helps in reducing weight by burning your fats but also helps in improving metabolism. In one cup of lukewarm water, add 1 tablespoon of honey and squeeze half lemon in it.

  • Use of Cinnamon

This remedy has been used for years for reduction of weight. Cinnamon is known for improving metabolism and keeps cholesterol low. This feature of cinnamon keeps weight balance. It affects more with an empty stomach in morning. Add one small spoon of powdered cinnamon in warm water and see its results.

  • Chia Seeds

This remedy intact food in stomach for a long period resulting in low appetite and hence it becomes easy for you to control your cravings for sweet food or munching habits. For best weight loss results, use one tablespoon of chia seeds in any form.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

It helps in weight loss as it gives a feeling of fullness and causes reduction in appetite. Add a tablespoon of it in warm water and have twice a day.

  • Cranberry Juice

It’s the best replacement for other juices and helps in removing toxins from body and speed up the weight reduction process.

  • Yogurt

It contain bacteria that is good and are of lactic acid which helps in improving digestion and speed up the process of melting fats from body. Before every supper, it should be taken twice a day.

  • Oolong Tea

It’s a Chinese tea. It boosts up your metabolism and prevents fats to stay in body. It has antioxidants for losing weight. Take one small spoon and oil it and then use once a day in morning.

  • Water Intake

Sufficient amount of water intake also helps in reducing weight as it keeps your metabolism active and you feel full and hydrated.


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